High-precision stainless steel wire mesh According to the purpose and requirements, the selection specifications of stainless steel wire mesh can be subdivided according to mesh number, wire diameter, aperture ratio, strength and so on.
Blackening processing: black processing can ensure printing accuracy without time
High-precision stainless steel wire printing mesh The surface of stainless steel wire is coated with a transparent acidified film of chromium. The film thickness was increased by 1/100 unit thickness, and

the surface of the screen was blackened. The surface of the screen is blackened to suppress the disordered reflection that occu
rs during exposure during the plate making process. Screens containing high-definition patterns are very strict in terms of exposure conditions during production, and the use of black nets can alleviate management conditions. The film is very thin and completely different from the surface coating and nickel plating, and the surface condition of the stainless steel mesh is not damaged.
High-precision stainless steel wire printing meshs are made with scientific techniques when they are manufactured. Maishi's advanced production technology has been used to manufacture stainless steel wire printing meshs for many years. Over the years we have more than 800 customers from different countries around the world. More popular.
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