Stainless steel filter cartridges are available in flange, basket, and basket filters. So what are the manufacturing process and requirements for stainless steel filter cartridges? The maishi group with rich experience in manufacturing tells us the following.
Stainless steel filter cartridges need to be specifically considered according to their filtering dust characteristics. Different types of dust can be solved during use, such as industrial powder media filter cartridges, gas turbine filter cartridges, and oval filter cartridges. They are widely used in industry. The various environments of the field.
Stainless steel filter cartridges are widely used in the modern industrial production process. The filter elements can be effectively divided into two different types: liquid filter cartridges and gas filter cartridges.
During the design process of the filter cartridge, the wind speed is a key param

eter because it relates to the operation of the entire equipment. Generally, it is recommended that the design wind speed of the filter paper containing wood pulp fiber should not exceed 0.6 meters per minute. The recommended design wind speed for spinning is 1 m / min.
Use of stainless steel filter cartridges: catalyst filtration and separation; petrochemical high-temperature gas filtration, stainless steel filter cartridge petrochemical plant fluidized bed tail gas filtration, catalytic cracking oil slurry filtration; metallurgical occupational high-temperature flue gas purification; other high-temperature gas and liquid filtration; filtration Stainless steel filter cartridges, filtration of various high temperature, corrosive liquids and catalysts in the petrochemical industry; filtration and purification of various polymer melts in the chemical fiber film industry.
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