Screen printing meshs, the color can be divided into several types. Available in white and yellow. Among these colors, we choose yellow for a certain reason. Let's take a look at the analysis of screen printing.
The reason for using yellow. The beautiful colors of nature are all due to the effect of light. Without light, there is no color. The color of light is determined by the frequency of light waves. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, basket, and purple are the light t
hat people can feel by the visual nerves, called visible light. The surface of the object selectively absorbs and reflects light to obtain different colors. In short, any color we can see is the color of light. That is, when a beam of light hits the surface of a yellow object, only the yellow light is reflected, stimulating our optic nerve and coloring, while other colors are absorbed, so we see that the color of the object is yellow.
This is combined with our screen printing. Because screen printing mesh is exposed to ultraviolet light when it is exposed to the printing plate, the purple light is reflected by the mixture of two colors of cyan and magenta in the color, that is, The yellow hue is missing in black. When exposed, the yellow color of the purple plus mesh is superimposed into black, so the surface of the yellow screen (ie, the bottom of the emulsion layer) is not sensitive or less exposed, so there is no "back drying" phenomenon, and the resulting image has high definition. Will not produce
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